Google Finally Add Split Partner Traffic For Adwords

17 10 2008

Google today announced on their official Adwords blog that customers can now filter their data even further, by allowing you to split your partner search data into three groups.

Google Adwords Logo

Google Adwords Logo

Before this update, you were only able to see a breakdown of your content campaigns and search campaigns. Now, you can see the stats for your AdWords campaigns based on the content network [Adsense, etc], Google search and search partners [Ask and possibly Yahoo!]. Read the rest of this entry »

Adwords Tool: Keyword Wrapper

13 10 2008

As a user of Google Adwords everyday, I know that building up keywords is one of the most important element of a successful ad campaign. However, it can also be the most laborious. If you have a set of keywords, you’ll want them to be broad, phrase and exact (e.g. broad, “phrase” and [exact]) This could mean that if you have 100 keyword variations, you will have to type them out another 200 times in the other match varieties to have a wide-reaching keyword list.

However, rather than type a keyword out three times, this Adwords tool can save you hours of needless typing, by generating the wrapping for you…

Adwords Keyword Wrapping Tool

Adwords Keyword Wrapping Tool

Read the rest of this entry »

Text Ads On Google Maps: Google’s $600m Plan

10 10 2008

A few days ago Just Google It reported that Google was experimenting with Adwords-related Graphic Ads on Image Search. Two days later we also reported that advertising links to related content will be appearing on YouTube.

And the Google advertising juggernaut shows no sign of stopping as text-ads start appearing on Google Maps.

"Bristol Hotels" search

Google have sneaked these new ads in with no announcement like there was with the addition of YouTube links, however, it has not gone unnoticed and has been reported on blogs by Amit Agarwal in India and David Shaw in the UK.

The disappointing edge of these ads, as pointed out by TechCrunch, is that the ads are not the linked to the familiar pinpoint icons that we’ve seen on Google Maps in the past. The links take you directly to the advertisers landing page, as opposed to moving you to where they are on the map. Hopefully, in this early stage, Google will notice these usability problems and perhaps direct the links to a pin and bubble based ad on the map, which then links to the homepage.

Could it be, as speculated in our Google Hotspot post, that Google are trying to maximise their income in these uncertain financial times? As their shares and value drop, Google are sure to be looking at places that their successful advertising platforms have not reached.

This arguement is backed up by data from marketing research company comScore, as they point out that 131 million people worldwide used Google Maps last year (a figure that is growing) and they generated over 1.3 billion page views. Even if the industry standard rate of 2% click on those adverts and even out at $2 a click, Just Google It estimates that Google are currently missing out on 26 million clicks and $52 million a month, meaning a cool $624 million. A figure that is bound to rise seeing as comScore’s graph below shows us that pageviews on Google Maps have more than doubled since the turn of the year.

comScore Google Maps pageviews

comScore Google Maps pageviews

Google seem to have cottoned on to these stats and the $600 million scheme is under way…